Warsaw Jewish Community

The Jewish Community in Warsaw has an organized community of approximately 700 members, which is growing. The community is lead by the Chief Rabbi of Poland, Rabbi Michael Schudrich. The organized Jewish Community supports social, cultural, and religious life for the Jewish people living in the area. There is a broad range of ages and levels of affiliation in the Warsaw Jewish community.

The Righteous

In addition to the Jews living in Warsaw, there are Righteous Among the Nations, people who have saved Jewish people from the Holocaust. There are approximately 40 living Righteous in Warsaw and they are affiliated with the organized Jewish community. Rabbi Schudrich has made a point of continuing to find ways to support and interact with this special group of people.

Yad Ezra established a relationship with Rabbi Schudrich and we were fortunate to host him on a visit to Yad Ezra in Michigan in 2018.

Rabbi Schudrich was inspired by the concept and reality of Yad Ezra in Michigan and he decided to embark on creating something similar in Warsaw. Rabbi Schudrich and Yad Ezra partnered to start the Kosher Food Pantry of Warsaw.

Yad Ezra set a goal of raising $100,000 and provided a playbook of what is needed to establish a kosher food pantry.

In the News

Righteous Among the Nations and Food Pantry Zoom call with Yad Ezra
Jewish News: Read Article–>

Honoring Righteous Among the Nations and the establishment of the food pantry
Jerusalem Post: Read Article –>