
My First Impression

I’m Kayla, the new JOIN intern (Jeanette & Oscar Cook Jewish Occupational Intern Program) at Yad Ezra. This past week, I worked in the warehouse with clients for 4 days, as well as worked to create advocacy projects, sat in on different meetings, updated and edited documents, and began preparing for the 2015 Yom Kippur […]

Blog-Vanish Hunger

By Judy Allen When I was young I was reminded meal after meal to finish what was on my plate! After all, there were children in other countries that longed for my fifth bowl of oatmeal that week or liver and onions with a side of spinach.  Recently, while speaking with a friend from Mexico, […]

Can America Feed Itself

Our next post is part of a series by our women’s philanthropy liaison Judy Allen. If you missed her last entry, catch up here. Is it possible for a country having near limitless information, innovation and technological advancement to come up short in something as basic as food?  When we can find a grocery store […]

Yad Ezra Food Stamp Shopping Challenge Worksheet

Try your own shopping challenge here.  Fill out the worksheet and let us know how it goes. Feel free to take this project to the next step by actually going to the grocery store and see what it’s like. Instructions: Your task is to feed yourself for one week using the $34 allocated through SNAP. […]